Monday, February 04, 2008

Losing the rainbow in your life...

I just finished reading the 8th installment of the Princess Diaries novel last night
(yeah, you heard me, what's wrong with a guy reading PD??)
after all the dusting and vacuuming for the upcoming Chinese New Year,
and the whole novel is just plain annoying and stupid.

I used to love Mia Thermopolis (or POG for Princess of Genovia)
but lately, her "journal entries" are so whiny and annoying,
so Michael "fooled around" and gave away his "precious gift" to a random girl,
BEFORE he even start dating Mia, yet she make a huge deal out of it,
like a spoiled brat.

Well, thanks to her stupid beliefs that "precious gift" should only be given to "true love",
she and Michael broke up. And yet, she can't get over it. Sheesh.


On the other hand, i stumbled upon a sad little blog known as FINDING RAINBOWS,
a blog chronicling the loss of the blogger's love, due to the infamous
"Irreconcilable Difference Syndrome" that famously plague Hollywood couples.
In his case, i guess the only party who suffered from that syndrome is the blogger's ex.

After reading his blog entries, it's feels as though i was reading my own life back when i broke up with H. Sigh...Sometimes, it's not good clinging on the loss,
i myself personally suffer from emotional breakdown and were on medication for months without anyone knowing. Imagine the heartache i suffered, and yet, i can't tell that to anyone since me and H's relationship is unacceptable to most of the people close to me.

What's worst, i stalked him for months, up till a point one of his honcho text me a threat, that i'll face the consequence if i kept on stalking H. Well, i really tried to get over that relationship,
i do, but guess what, in the end, H is the one who turn back and annoys me.

I really do felt a deep pang of sadness for Mr. Rainbow Man,
he seems like a really nice, sweet, loving guy,
what i wouldn't kill for as a boyfriend.
Well, not that i mean it that way, but like what i told him,
sometimes, these sort of matters are unpredictable, things happen for a reason,
my relationship, for instance, started off like a romance flick,
only it ended like a horror movie...
kinda like RED EYE which stars Cillian Murphy and Rachael McAdams.

Losing your "true" love might be painful,
but it's not worth killing yourself for.
Mr. Rainbow Man, i'm not sure if you'll ever get over your loss,
but if he's a jerk, he's not worth crying for.
I'm not sure if my advice will be any help at all,
but hope you'll see that lots of people around, have had worst heartbreaks,
and they sailed through, leaving the past behind.

Disclaimer: it seems most of my entries are really crappy and unorganized, haha! my bad, since i never spell check, never grammar check, and just simply write whatever pop out in my mind right then~~ lol!!!

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