Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Winter is Coming

Hermes whisper...
"Hark! Winter's coming!"

Snow white gown,
sewn by the very Gods and Angels,
guided by the Goddess of handicrafts,
Pallas Athena...

Breath of chills,
that brings death that lead to life,
and the dead and revival of Persephone,
daughter of Demeter,
soul ferried to the land of death.

Her beauty,
so exquisite, air turns into tiny flowers of all
shapes, to celebrate her arrival.

All fauna dies,
for they waited for 9 months,
full of anxiety, and insomnia,
that lead to their eventual death.

winter is here,
chilling all lives with her exquisite beauty,
though deadly, yet mark a new beginning,
for lives that is to come upon her leaving.

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