Thursday, September 27, 2007

Britney Spear's Gimme More [VMA Performance]

Here's the two video i found on youtube regarding the much hype (?)
ok, most talk about (bad) performance of the year.

Seriously, i don't think it's that bad.
People should really give the poor girl a lil' break,
she's been through so much at such a young age.
For God sake, she's only 20 something!

She might be a train wreck, but who's fault is that?
Herself? or the media?

And why do people focus so much on HER performance,
instead of the disastrous Beyonce-fell-off-the-stage performance?
And the most recent Gwen-Stefani-pull-a-Beyonce act?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah concentrate on beyonce and gwen stanfani. she is 26 and yes please give her a break and leave her alone. its the media's fault for making her have a public meltdwon and into a train weck totally. why do people always pick on her personally i think's shes great and isnt messed up in fact she is making a comeback. i think and value her highly for her comeback as i would have quit the whole thing alltogether. leave britney spears alone is all i can say at present