Friday, April 11, 2008

He knew.

He asked me to join him for lunch,
which i reluctantly areed, since ya'll know why.

But he surprised me by telling me that he knew
my feelings toward him all along,
which he casually ignored.

It was the first time that i was able to
talk to him openly about my feelings to him.

Albeit the fuss i made,
he still remained calm and positive about the situation.
And i thank him for that.

Probably, chances are me being with him is a huge zilch.
I guess i'll try to forget about it,
and start being a friend.

It's just...
it tears me up inside,
and i ain't sure where i am suppose to cry at right now.

Maybe ever since i accepted my identity,
i was destined to suffer from this sort of matters...



jepunlauee said...

He will just have to accept you for what you are..
you dun't have to be sad...coz the beauty is from the are what you are... is better to start as a friend first,he might see the beauty in you...all the you..

ben said...

No, darling, you will meet somebody eventually, you have met somebody before, haven't you.