Friday, March 27, 2009

Heroes Season 3 - Cold Snap [My own Blabber and commentaries]

Oh my God. This is the first time i watch the same episode of a tv show over and over for more than a dozen times. This episode of the third season of Heroes, entitled Cold Snap is like the best episode ever! The scene where Tracy Strauss let loose of her full ability of manipulating ice is awesome! God, i just couldn't stop watching the scene where her face glows and suddenly, the whole underground turns into a giant freezer with the water from the sprinkler wetting everything else. Besides the Ice-Bursting scene (as i affectionately refer it as *barf*), the comical scene where Hiro and Ando dealing with baby Matt is hilarious, and the scene where Matt uses his power to create a storybook ending for the speedster Daphne is so touching it put tears in my eyes. Aww... So sad she's dead... Oh, and they revealed the identity of Rebel!